To go to the ambassador section, navigate towards the “Ambassador” section below the “Campaign” section and select whether to manage, recruit or provide resources to the ambassadors from the drop-down menu

Manage Ambassadors
In this section, users can see the profile, manage, access contact details, and track the performance of the ambassadors.

Name: Name of the ambassador
Email: Email of the ambassador
Total RP: Total reward points earned by the ambassador till present
Enrolled campaigns
Total campaigns an ambassador is enrolled in. User can also see the list of campaigns an ambassador is enrolled in by clicking on the digit number under the enrolled campaign

Downloading ambassadors details
To Download the details of the ambassadors in a CSV file format, navigate to the top right corner of the page and click on the “Download All” button

Viewing ambassador profile
To view the profile of an individual ambassador, navigate towards the “Know more” button of the ambassador details card.

Here user can access all the details about the ambassadorDownload: Download the details of the ambassador

Delete: Remove the ambassador from the program
Mail icon: Email the ambassador on their email ID
Total RP: Total reward points the ambassador has in present
Lifetime RP: Total reward points earned by the ambassador from the beginning of their journey in the ambassador program